Bambu Bus Cable

From $3.99 USD

  • 6pin (AMS to AMS/Hub/Buffer)
  • 4pin (Printer to Hub/Buffer)
  • 510mm
  • 1500mm
  • 260mm
Order Info
  • Order will be shipped out from Chinese warehouse in 1-3 business days once being processed.


For AMS, X1 Series and P1 Series

Product Specifications

Type Application Material Packaging Size Packaging Weight
6pin 510mm 1. Connecting AMS to another AMS which is located at a shorter distance
2. Connecting AMS to Hub or Buffer
PVC, Metal 230*155*4 mm 30 g
6pin 1500mm 1. Connecting AMS to another AMS which is located at a greater distance
2. Connecting AMS to Hub or Buffer (capable but not recommended)
PVC, Metal 230*155*4 mm 70 g
4pin 260mm Connecting printer to Hub or Buffer PVC, Metal 200*145*4 mm 10 g
From $3.99 USD
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